Romantic Readings June 3
Photo of Swift and Vanessa actors seated in garden

Romantic Readings

Venue: Tea Lane Graveyard Church, Church Street, Celbridge, Co. Kildare

Date: June 3. Free Entry.

This beautifully choregraph piece gives a great understanding of the nature of the relationship between Swift and Vanessa.  The reading of their letters gives an opportunity to  connect in a very personal way with both Swift and Vanessa. It also allows the audience to form their own opinion of a love affair that has intrigued so many over centuries. Not to be missed.

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Dramatized readings of the Correspondence of Jonathan Swift and Esther Van Homrigh of Celbridge 1710-1723 by Seamus Cummins.

Read by actors Bob Tysall and Camilla With. Narrated by Ann Kelly.

Author and Actors

Seamus Cummins photo

Seamus Cummins

Seamus Cummins has taught history at secondary and university level. He has written and published on national and local history, including Dust and Shadows, Tea Lane Burials, Celbridge  1627 – 1998, and more recently on the 1919 – 1923 period in North Kildare. He holds an M.A. in history from Maynooth University and an M.Sc from Trinity College Dublin.

Bob Tysall photo

Bob Tysall - Actor

Bob Tysall is originally from Laois and currently living in Maynooth. Bob got started in theatre with the Clodiagh Players in Laois at the age of 15. He has most recently been in productions with An Nuadha Players, Maynooth, and Insight Theatre, Celbridge.

Camilla With - Actor

Camilla With - Actor

Camilla With currently lives in Maynooth. She is originally from Denmark but moved to Ireland 13 years ago. Camilla has been involved with theatre since the age of 13 and is involved in pantos and plays with An Nuadha Players in Maynooth and Insight Theatre Group in Celbridge.


Photo of Ann Kelly

Ann Kelly - Narrator

Ann is a founding member of An Nuadha Players and has acted and directed many of their shows over the years. She is currently appearing in  “Our Town” with the Insight Theater in Celbridge a fabulous production. She has  performed in several of  Insight’s  plays  including Home Sweet Home, Under Milk Wood, and Bog of Cats . 

Ann is living in Maynooth. She  is very involved with  An Nuadha Players. She is one of their founding members and has directed several of their plays.